Section 1: Sovereign of Tresario
For the strongest and most convenient management of the general interest of the Tresario Star Kingdom, the citizens of the Kingdom do hereby entrust their independence to the Sovereign of Tresario. All Executive authority, both internal and external, relating to the Government and its many affiliates, shall be regulated and maintained by the Tresarian Sovereign. The Tresarian Sovereign is the highest military, diplomatic, and civil official in the Kingdom and shall exercise his authority to further the interests of the Kingdom and its citizens.
Section 2: Succession
The successor to the Crown is chosen by the Sovereign. At the time of succession, the Hall of Ministers must confirm the new Sovereign with a vote of confidence.
If the Sovereign passes before selecting a successor, House Tresario shall meet to determine the next Sovereign in accordance with the provisions of Article IV Section 3. During the interim, the duties of the Sovereign shall be fulfilled by the Premier with responsibility and power limited to only that which is necessary for the safety and preservation of Tresario.
Section 3: Nobility
The Sovereign may create and confer noble rights, honors, and orders along with associated privileges. Titles, positions, and lineage established by a previous Sovereign may only be revoked upon a unanimous confirmation by the Hall of Ministers, however the privileges accompanying titles, positions and lineages may be revoked or modified at any time.
Section 1: Premier
To assist and support the Sovereign, a Premier shall be appointed by Sovereign and confirmed by the Hall of Ministers to act as the Hall’s highest representative. Should the Sovereign die or become unable to fulfill his duties, the Premier shall serve as steward until the next Sovereign is appointed.
Section 2: Ministers
The Sovereign shall have a government directed through the use of Ministries to assist in the duties of governing the territories and the People. The structure of the system shall be designed by the Premier as is convenient and necessary. The duties, scope of authority, and privileges of each Ministry shall be defined by the Premier.
Section 3: Hall of Ministers
The Hall of Ministers is called to order whenever and wherever all Ministers meet as a college to confer with one another. The primary responsibility of the Hall of Ministers is to advise the Tresarian Sovereign on all matters of concern to the Kingdom. The presiding officer shall be the Minister designated as the Premier.
Section 1: Justice System
The Judicial body of the Tresario Star Kingdom is the Hall of Ministers with the Premier as its Chief Justice. Laws and a system of justice shall be developed with the Premier’s direction to ensure fairness for those accused of criminalized actions.
Section 2: Supreme Legal Authority
The Sovereign of the Tresario Star Kingdom is the supreme legal authority within the Tresario Star Kingdom. Any party not satisfied with the ruling of the Hall of Ministers and Premier may appeal their case to the Tresarian Sovereign, at the Sovereign’s pleasure.
Section 1: House Tresario
House Tresario is made up of the members of the Hall of Ministers, Order of Tresario Freedom, and Sentinels of Tresario, as well as Tresarian citizens who have attained the rank of Admiral or an equivalent.
Section 2:
Members of House Tresario may participate in select decision making processes of Tresario as defined in Section 3 or as directed by the Hall of Ministers.
Section 3:
In accordance with Article I Section 2, House Tresario may be called upon to select a successor to the throne and shall make a decision within fourteen days of meeting.
In a meeting concerning the succession of the Throne, the quorum of the assembly shall be established as those in attendance or voting by proxy. The Premier shall appoint a leader of the assembly from among the Sentinels, or if no Sentinel is available, from the Hall of Ministers. The leader of the assembly shall be responsible for issuing notice of the vote to the members of House Tresario, administering the nomination and voting process, and casting votes for members of House Tresario who vote by proxy. The successor must be chosen by a supermajority of no less than two thirds of the established quorum. Upon the selection of the successor, the assembly leader shall publicly announce to the Kingdom the decision of the assembly, at which time the successor shall become the new Sovereign of Tresario.
Section 1:
Any member of the Tresario Star Kingdom Government or its affiliated corporations is considered a Tresarian citizen under the law.
Section 2:
The Tresario Star Kingdom shall not pass any law preventing the free exercise of a religion nor shall any law be passed that limits the freedom of speech, the press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble.
Section 3:
The Tresario Star Kingdom shall not subject the people to unreasonable searches and seizures of their persons or belongings. No warrants shall be issued without probable cause or reason.
Section 4:
No person shall be tried twice for the same offence, nor shall any person be compelled to witness against themselves, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
Section 5:
No authority within the Tresario Star Kingdom may take private property for public use without just compensation, nor shall they impose excessive fines, or inflict cruel or unusual punishment.
Section 6:
No law shall be interpreted to deny any rights held by the people.
Section 1: Emergency Powers
The Government of the Tresario Star Kingdom has the following powers it may exercise in the case of an emergency:
- Power to detain a sentient for up to seven days upon suspicion of violations of the Criminal Code or imminent threat to Tresario’s security.
- Power to freeze financial payments made by the Tresario Star Kingdom to a suspect for the purpose of protecting the security of the Tresario.
- Power to suspend any and all authority entrusted to a suspect of a criminal investigation.
Section 2: Constitutional Amendment
Amendments to this constitution must be presented by the Premier and approved by a majority vote of the Hall of Ministers. Amendments passed by the Hall come into effect if they are approved by the Tresarian Sovereign.
Section 1: Creation and Force
His Majesty, The King of Tresario, by the authority of the Hall of Ministers, and in conformity with Article III Section 1 of the Tresarian Constitution, has established this Criminal Code for the maintenance of law and order.
Section 2: Application
The provisions of this Code apply to Citizens of the Tresario Star Kingdom and to all sentients throughout the Tresario Star Kingdom, its planets, systems, sectors, territories, and all therein.
Section 3: Presumption of Innocence
Where a Code provision creates an offence and authorizes a punishment to be imposed:
- a Citizen shall not be deemed to be guilty of the offence until he is convicted by the judiciary; and
- a Citizen who is convicted of an offence is not liable to any punishment other than the punishment prescribed by this Code or by the Code provision that creates the offence.
Section 4: Ignorance of the Law
Ignorance of the law by anyone who commits an offence is not a defense for committing that offence.
Section I. Treason and other Offences against the Sovereign’s Authority and Person
Sub-Section 1: High Treason
Everyone commits high treason who, in the Tresario Star Kingdom:
- kills or attempts to kill the Sovereign, or cause him bodily harm, or imprison him; or
- kills or attempts to kill the Premier, or cause him bodily harm, or imprison him.
Sub-Section 2: Treason
Everyone commits treason who, in the Tresario Star Kingdom:
- uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the Sovereign or government of the Tresario Star Kingdom or a Kingdom corporation; or
- without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a faction other than the Tresario Star Kingdom, military or scientific information or any plan, article, note, or document of a military or scientific character that may be used by that faction for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defense of the Tresario Star Kingdom; or
- assists an enemy at war with the Tresario Star Kingdom or any armed forces against whom Kingdom forces are engaged in hostilities; or
- conspires with any person to commit high treason or treason; or
- forms an intention to commit high treason or treason and manifests that intention by an overt act.
Sub-Section 3: Specific Punishment for High Treason and Treason
Everyone who commits high treason or treason shall be executed or sentenced to imprisonment for life.
Sub-Section 4: Acts Intended to Alarm His Excellency or Break Public Peace
Everyone commits an offence who:
- does an act with intent to alarm His Majesty or to break the public peace; or
- does an act that is intended or is likely to cause bodily harm to His Majesty.
Sub-Section 5: Intimidating the Hall of Ministers
Everyone commits an offence who does an act of violence in order to intimidate one or more members of the Hall of Minister.
Section II. Offences Against the Tresario Star Kingdom
Sub-Section 1: Assisting Enemies, Deserters, or Escaped Prisoners
Everyone commits an offence who:
- incites, willfully assists, or willingly permits the escape of an enemy or prisoner of the Tresario Star Kingdom to leave the Tresario Star Kingdom without the consent of the Sovereign or Premier; or
- aids, assists, harbors or conceals a person who he knows is a deserter or absent without leave from the Tresarian military; or
- knowing that a person intends to commit high treason or treason does not, with all reasonable diligence, inform a Minister or other officer of the Hall or make other reasonable efforts to prevent that person from committing high treason or treason.
Sub-Section 2: Sabotage
Everyone commits an offence who:
- impairs the efficiency or impedes the working of any ship, vehicle, item, droid or other object; or
- causes property to be lost, damaged or destroyed.
Sub-Section 3: Mutiny
Everyone commits an offence who engages in open rebellion against his commanding officers.
Sub-Section 4: Defection
Everyone commits an offence who leaves the Kingdom in order to join an enemy of the Tresario Star Kingdom.
Sub-Section 5: Sedition
Everyone commits an offence who advocates for rebellion against legitimate governmental authorities within Tresario.
Sub-Section 6: Espionage
Whoever obtains information relevant to the national defense of the Tresario Star Kingdom with reason to believe the information may be used to cause injury to the Tresario Star Kingdom, or to benefit any foreign state, and communicates the information to an agent of a foreign state is guilty of espionage.
Section III. Unlawful Presence
Sub-Section 1: Unlawful Presence
Everyone commits an offence who:
- assembles in such a manner as to disturb the peace or disrupt lawful trade or travel; or
- so conducts themselves as to cause persons in the vicinity of the assembly to fear that they will disturb the peace or disrupt lawful trade or travel.
Sub-Section 2: Proclamation
A duly appointed Tresarian Officer who receives notice that there is an unlawful presence, shall go to that place and make known the following, or similar, proclamation:
By order of His Majesty the King of Tresario, I hereby declare your presence to be unlawful and order you to immediately disperse. If you remain, you will be in violation of the Tresarian Criminal Code, and you will be removed or subject to arrest or other martial action which may include the use of lethal munitions. Long live the King!
Sub-Section 3: Offences Related to Proclamation
Everyone commits an offence who hinders the issuance of the proclamation referred to in Sub-Section 2.
Section IV. Piracy
Sub-Section 1: Piracy
Everyone commits an offence who:
- steals a Tresarian vessel or station; or
- steals or, without lawful authority, jettisons, damages, or destroys any cargo, supplies or fittings in a Tresarian vessel or station; or
- commits or attempts to commit a mutinous act on a Tresarian vessel or station.
Sub-Section 2: Financing of Piracy and Illegal Activities
Everyone commits an offence who makes available property or financial and/or other related services:
- intending or knowing that they will be used for the purpose of facilitating or carrying out any piratical, terroristic, or otherwise illegal activity, or for the purpose of benefiting any person who is facilitating or carrying out such an activity; or
- knowing that they will be used by or for the benefit of a piratical, terroristic, or otherwise illegal organization.
Section V. Offences Against Transportation Safety
Sub-Section 1: Hijacking
Everyone commits an offence who by force or intimidation, seizes or exercises control of a ship or vehicle with the intent:
- to cause any person on board the ship or vehicle to be confined or imprisoned against his will; or
- to cause any person on board the ship or vehicle to be transported against his will to any place other than the original destination; or
- to hold any person on board the ship or vehicle for ransom or to service against his will; or
- to cause the ship or vehicle to deviate from its lawfully ordered travel plan.
Sub-Section 2: Seizing Control of Ship or Space Platform
Everyone commits an offence who seizes or exercises control over a ship or space platform by force or threat of force or by any other form of intimidation.
Section I. Corruption
Sub-Section 1: Bribery
Everyone commits an offence who, directly or indirectly, offers money, valuable consideration, office, or place of employment to a Tresarian officer with intent that the recipient should:
- interfere with the administration of justice; or
- procure or facilitate the commission of an offence; or
- protect from detection or punishment a person who has committed or who intends to commit an offence.
Sub-Section 2: Bribe Receiving
Everyone commits an offence who being an officer or agent of the Tresario Star Kingdom, accepts or agrees to accept, for themselves or another person, any money, valuable consideration, office, or place of employment with intent:
- to interfere with the administration of justice; or
- to procure or facilitate the commission of an offence; or
- to protect from detection or punishment a person who has committed or who intends to commit an offence.
Sub-Section 3: Breach of Trust
Everyone commits an offence who, without authorization, discloses classified information.
Sub-Section 4: Official Misconduct
Everyone commits an offence who, with intent to obtain a benefit or deprive another person of a benefit, knowingly commits an act relating to his official office but constituting an unauthorized exercise of his official functions.
Section II. Misleading Justice
Sub-Section 1: Perjury
Everyone commits an offence who, while under an oath to tell the truth, intentionally misleads a Tresarian official.
Sub-Section 2: Fabrication
Everyone commits an offence who lies to a Tresarian officer who is in the process of conducting an investigation.
Sub-Section 3: Obstructing Justice
Everyone commits an offence who:
- interferes with the process of a investigation; or
- interferes with the process of a trial.
Section III. Escape
Sub-Section 1: Prison Breach
Everyone commits an offence who, without authorization, releases any person confined within a Tresarian prison.
Section I. Homicide
Sub-Section 1: Murder
Everyone commits an offence who kills a sentient with the intent or malice.
Sub-Section 2: Manslaughter
Everyone commits an offence who kills a sentient through reckless acts.
Section II. Endangerment of Persons
Sub-Section 1: Bodily Harm
Everyone commits an offence who unlawfully causes another sentient to be physically injured.
Sub-Section 2: Dangerous Operation of Ships or Vehicles
Everyone commits an offence who, through acts of reckless use of ships or vehicles, intentional or otherwise, causes harm to another sentient being.
Section III. Assault
Everyone commits an offence who knowingly attempts to cause bodily injury to another sentient.
Section IV. Kidnapping, Trafficking in Persons, and Hostage Taking
Sub-Section 1: Kidnapping
Everyone commits an offence who holds captive another sentient against his will.
Sub-Section 2: Trafficking in Persons
Everyone commits an offence who commits acts of recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of a sentient, who by means of force or coercion is compelled to answer to another against his will.
Sub-Section 3: Hostage Taking
Everyone commits an offence who takes a sentient captive for the purpose of gaining leverage over another.
Section I. Trespass
Everyone commits an offence who, without permission, knowingly enters or remains in or upon premises.
Section II. Theft
Everyone commits an offence who, with intent to deprive another of property or to appropriate the same, obtains or withholds such property.
Section III. Reckless Endangerment of Property
Everyone commits an offence who, without permission, engages in conduct which places property at risk of harm.
Section I. Fraudulent Contracts
Everyone commits an offence who enters into, or seeks to enter into, an agreement to exchange money, goods, or services with the intent to breach the terms of the agreement.
Section I. Attempt
Everyone attempts to commit an offence who intends to commit that offence but is prevented from succeeding by random chance or the actions of another sentient.
Section II. Conspiracies
Everyone conspires to commit an offence who collaborates with other sentients to commit that offence.
Section III. Accessories
Everyone is an accessory to the commission of an offence who acts or fails to act in order to assist another sentient in the commission of that offence.
Section IV: Incitement of an Offence
Everyone incites an offence who provokes or encourages another sentient to commit that offence.
Section I. Imprisonment and Execution
Sub-Section 1: Execution
A sentient found guilty of violating provisions of the Penal Code as listed in Article VII Part II, Article VII Part III, or Article VII Part IV may be subject to execution. Sentients found guilty of committing acts categorized under Article VII Part VII may be subject to execution if the underlying crime carries the penalty of execution.
Sub-Section 2: Imprisonment
A sentient found guilty of violating provisions of the Penal Code as listed in Article VII may be subject to imprisonment.
Section II. Demotion and Removal from Office
A sentient found guilty of violating the provisions of the Penal Code as listed in Article VII may be subject to suspension of duty and/or demotion.
Section III. Restitution
A sentient found guilty of violating the provisions of the Penal Code as listed in Article VII may be subject to monetary fines.
Section I. Application
- The provisions of the Tresarian Penal Code as listed in Article VII Part IX apply to crimes committed against the Tresario Star Kingdom or its citizens by citizens of foreign states.
- With respect to Article II Section 2 of the Treaty of Coruscant, the provisions of the Tresarian Penal Code as listed in Article VII Part IX also apply to crimes committed against the Imperial Union.
Section II. Terrorism
Sub-Section 1: Acts of Terror
Everyone commits an offence who:
- violently acts with the intention to strike fear among the People of Tresario; or
- violently acts with the intention to harm, destroy, or overthrow the Tresario Star Kingdom, her Sovereign or her government.
Sub-Section 2: Association with Terrorist Organizations
Everyone commits an offence who leads, joins, cooperates with, or supports an organization whose goals include the perpetration of Acts of Terror as defined in Sub-Section 1.
Sub-Section 3: Furtherance of Terrorist Propaganda
Everyone commits an offence who:
- distributes or facilitates the distribution of terrorist ideology; or
- calls for the perpetration of Acts of Terror as defined in Sub-Section 1; or
- calls for others to Associate with Terrorist Organizations as defined in Sub-Section 2.
Section III. Sanctions
A sentient found guilty of violating the provisions of the Tresarian Penal Code as defined in Article VII Part IX may be subject to imprisonment or execution.